Dos and Dont’s for Diving with Tiger Sharks in Fuvahmulah:

Dos and Dont’s for Diving with Tiger Sharks in Fuvahmulah:

Published on 31 Dec, 2024

By: Joyce Osorio

Embarking on a diving adventure with Tiger Sharks in Fuvahmulah Island is a dream come true for enthusiasts worldwide. However, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the essential do's and don'ts before immersing yourself in this exhilarating experience. 


1. Follow Expert Guidance:Always dive under the supervision of experienced guides who are familiar with the behavior of Tiger Sharks and know how to ensure a safe encounter.

2. Maintain Respectful Distance: Admire these majestic creatures from a respectful distance to avoid startling them or disrupting their natural habitat.

3. Remain Calm: Maintain a calm demeanor and steady movements underwater to minimize disturbances and promote a harmonious interaction.

4. Observe Wildlife Etiquette: Respect the marine environment and refrain from touching or chasing Tiger Sharks or any other marine life.

5. Stay Alert: Remain vigilant and attentive to your surroundings at all times to ensure your safety and the safety of others in your group.


1. Do Not Feed: Under no circumstances should you attempt to feed Tiger Sharks or any other marine animals during your dive. Feeding disrupts their natural behavior and may lead to aggressive encounters.

2. Avoid Sudden Movements: Refrain from making sudden movements or loud noises that could startle or agitate the sharks. Maintain a calm and composed demeanor throughout your dive.

3. Do Not Approach Aggressively: Avoid approaching Tiger Sharks too closely or in an aggressive manner. Respect their space and allow them to move freely in their environment.

4. Do Not Touch: Resist the temptation to touch Tiger Sharks or any other marine life you encounter during your dive. Touching can cause stress to the animals and may provoke defensive behavior.

5. Refrain from Flash Photography: Flash photography can startle and disorient Tiger Sharks, so it's best to avoid using flash photography during your dive. Opt for natural light or underwater photography techniques that minimize disturbance.

By adhering to these essential guidelines, you can ensure a safe and unforgettable diving experience with Tiger Sharks in the stunning waters of Fuvahmulah Island.